Everyone wants to see wildlife in their garden, but after the snow sets in it can be hard to get animals to continue to stop by. After all, the same way that you do want to be outdoors tending to a garden, the animals do not want to be out foraging for food.
However, there are some things that you can do in the meantime to make sure that you encourage wildlife to come back so that you can enjoy moths, butterflies, and birds by the dozen once the weather breaks.
First off all, you need to start thinking about how you can feed your garden wildlife. Just putting out a small amount of food for the birds will help encourage them to stop by on a regular basis. A pole with several hooks ought to do the trick so that you can offer a variety of foods to encourage a variety of species to stop by. Sunflowers, peanuts, fat balls, and niger seed are all great options.
Next, consider taking part of the 2013 Big Garden Birdwatch run by the RSPB as it allows you the chance to see what type of birds you have in your garden and helps out the non-profit charity at the same time. Simply watch your garden for an hour and then jot down the greatest number of birds you saw in the garden at one time.
Finally, think about letting your lawn grow out. There are on average 24 plant species in every lawn, and each of these species has something different to offer insects. The more insects you attract into your garden the more birds you will attract in turn so letting your garden grow an extra few inches will prove to be extremely helpful. As a bonus, it gets you out of a chore for the week!